Every year the National Association of Broadcasters has a show in Las Vegas where companies show of the latest gear for broadcasting and filmmaking. 2017 marked the first time I went to NAB. I’ve been to another video expo in California twice DV Expo (Now Next Video Expo) nothing compares in size to NAB (well, unless you count IBC) While I was there I got to see a lot of people I’ve been following for years the guys from Corridor Digital were super nice. some of the other people I got to meet were Lok Cheung formally of DRTV, Dave Dugdale who is the reason I bought my first DSLR (T2i), Caleb from DSLR Video Shooter , Matt Workman from Cinematography DB, Brandon from Linus Tech Tips and Tom Antos. I also met some of the awesome people from Dissolve (where I am an exclusive contributor)
The great thing about expos like this is you’re able to get your hands on a lot of gear that otherwise you wouldn’t. Especially for me living in a small town.
I shot some photos (and stock footage) I’ve separated these by day.
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