Stock Footage

Protest and Stock from the Women’s March

Back in January, I had a chance to go to the Huntsville Woman’s March. This was great opportunity to not only shoot footage of the event for stock but also use my newly acquired C100. After that event, I edited this video and sent some footage to Dissolve for stock. Here’s that stock footage ready to license

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In the Woods an Afternoon of the Outdoors and Lens Testing

Recently I went hiking on some new property that my Dad bought. This was great opportunity to not only shoot some stock footage similar to another batch of stuff I shot it was also a great opportunity to test out a new lens I picked up on eBay. (70-210 Sigma APO Manual  Focus for Minolta MD

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NAB 2017

Every year the National Association of Broadcasters has a show in Las Vegas where companies show of the latest gear for broadcasting and filmmaking. 2017 marked the first time I went to NAB. I’ve been to another video expo in California twice  DV Expo (Now Next Video Expo) nothing compares in size to NAB (well,

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